This meditation is helpful through Mercury Retrograde periods.

“This is called the ‘Mercury Projection.’ Mercury is the Lord of Communication, the Star of Communication. This meditation will make your mind most alert. You as a human cannot afford to be wrong. You want to be a yogi? I think all these mudras and postures are meant to put in us infinite alertness. Sometimes the rhythmic flare of the Sun differs with the magnetic rhythm of the under flow of the Earth. Technically this meditation is for the control of the Mercury influence in you. The little finger is connected to Mercury.” – Yogi Bhajan.



1. Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine and a light neck lock (chin pulled in slightly to straighten the spine at the neck)
Elbows are bent at the sides.

2. With arms along the side of the body and elbows bent, place the hands in front of the heart center, palms facing each other, fingers pointing up and spread slightly apart.

3. The Mudras:

Mudra Part 1:
a. Stretch the thumbs back, pointing towards the chest. Bring the tips of the thumbs, index and middle fingers together. You could draw a short and wide triangle between the tips of the fingers.
b. The ring and pinkie fingers do not touch, and are separated from one another by several inches. The palms are also stretched wide apart.

Mudra Part 2:
Holding the mudra, bring the palms toward one another slightly, just until the tips of the pinkie fingers can touch. Make sure that the ring fingertips DO NOT touch.

4. Focus eyes at the tip of the nose.

5. Chant the mantra Wahe Guru in a continuous monotone, with a steady rhythm.

6. Repeat the mantra one full time in Position 1, and then chant the mantra one full time in Position 2. Each repetition takes about 1 1/2 seconds.
Pronounce each syllable distinctly: Wah – hay – gu – roo


Paramatma Siri Sadhana